Off to Cambodia

Shanghai Airport - very swish!

We’re off! After months of deliberation, planning, packing, and preparing the house for our lovely new tenants, it’s time to say farewell to Blighty.

A short train ride to London then two fairly long flights and we’ll be in Cambodia. It’s actually happening!

2014-07-13 13.01.22
Thanks Andy Beverley for driving us to Leeds train station in the school minibus.
2014-07-13 13.17.43
Everything in order? Let’s GO! 

Train ride to London:

2014-07-13 13.45.05

2014-07-13 13.44.57

2014-07-13 13.44.36

2014-07-13 13.44.16

2014-07-13 13.44.04

At Heathrow Airport

2014-07-13 20.16.24
Tom relaxing waiting for his plane.
2014-07-13 20.12.17
Ready to board China Eastern flight MU552.
2014-07-13 20.16.16
Why are we waiting?
2014-07-13 18.20.44
WE KRASH – let’s hope we don’t!

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