High Wire Tom
With Lauren and Matt away at Epic we took Tom to the new Science Gallery at Kids’ City. He experienced astronaut motion sickness on the Human Gyroscope, augmented reality in the Space Dome, and rode a bicycle across a high wire.
Bug Zapper
Returning from the market loaded up with fruit & veg, Tom was very happy to find about a dozen mosquitos in his room. All dead.
Christmas Review 2014
We have now been in Cambodia for five months – and what an amazing time it’s been! As we enjoy a Christmas break we look back and see all God has done in our lives since we arrived. Settling into a new school with different routines and people has consumed most of our attention since we arrived. […]
Chamkar Pring Amusements
We’d heard there was a large park two minutes from our new house, so headed off this afternoon to investigate. It’s lovely! Lots of trees, covered walkways, lakes, and a range of funfair rides, though mid-afternoon on a weekday only the bumper cars were open. Video
Mince Pies & Washing Machines
Found a place selling second-hand washing machines, got an 8kg top-loader for $170. Bloke loaded it onto his moto and followed us home: Mrs Kershaw made a cracking curry, then we had mince pies, courtesy of the pie machine. Even the filling was homemade, since I couldn’t find any mincemeat here. I even managed […]
Merry Pie-mas
Lauren managed to find me a pie-making machine for Christmas. As you can see, I’ve been putting it through its paces, in preparation for The Big One: Mince Pies! I’ve managed to find mixed candied fruits, almonds, nutmeg & cinnamon. Haven’t found a rolling pin, so have filled an olive jar with water and frozen it – keeps […]
Walking back from the market we happened upon a man selling honeycombs. We bought one and took it home, where we extracted a small jar’s worth of honey. Delicious.
Will Shakespeare: The Panto
After months of twice-weekly 2 hour rehearsals, everything came together for a fantastic pantomime. Costumes were amazing, performances word-perfect and custard pies were in your face. Big applause for the evil villain, Sir Edward de Vere, his first time playing a baddie, and Mr Castle from HOPE School, playing his inept henchman. I played Ben […]
Aztec Day
Primary’s Aztec topic came to a grand finale today when the children dressed in bejewelled gold chestpieces with feathered head-dresses (top marks to Mum). Unfortunately, four Conquistadors turned up to join the party, bringing with them death and destruction in the form of European armour and smallpox. The entire Aztec civilisation was wiped out by […]