Category: Uncategorized

  • Local Food

    We have found flour! And lentils! We’ve been buying flour from the big supermarkets but it’s a long drive and you invariably end up buying other stuff you don’t really need to make it feel the journey was worthwhile. We’re currently on an austerity drive to recoup all the money we’ve spent trying to get […]

  • HOPE North School Grand Opening

    The school is officially open! We had a very fancy event with visiting government dignitaries and people from all over the world. Tom sang ‘Amazing Grace’ alongside three other children from primary.

  • New school, new gecko

    Today we rolled up our sleeves, shifted tables & chairs, swept floors and generally started getting the new school ship-shape. Or school-shape. During the festivities we found a takoy gecko. They eat mosquitos and cockroaches, so after we explained to him how many of each we could offer at Chez Kershaw, he was more than willing […]

  • The Duerdens are here!

    Safe arrivals Margaret and David arrived from England late on Friday evening. They’ve been up to see the new school building (site), down to the market and out to the off licence!   Chamkar Pring Amusements We visited Chamkar Pring and rode the ‘very exciting’ roller coaster and big yellow spinny-swingy-thingy. Both had safety restraints, […]

  • Feed and clothe the poor

    Today we took buckets of rice, bottles of fish sauce and gifts of clothing to some of the poorest villagers in Baray, about 100km north of PhnomPenh. In one of the houses our children played with day-old ducklings, alongside Khmer children; boundaries of culture and language melted away as all squealed with delight. Another mother […]

  • Meals without Mums

    With Mrs Kershaw off with the elephants in Mondulkiri, and Matt and Lauren safely away with their year groups (Koh Kong and Rabbit Island) Tom is stuck eating ‘Daddy Food’…* Tonight’s ensemble began with shitaki mushrooms fried with spring onions, followed by cauliflower & cabbage in a cheeseless** cheese sauce, sweet corn daubed with (peanut) […]

  • The Krama

    The humble Krama is a simple piece of material for which the ingenious Khmer have found a myriad uses. Tom wrote and presented this short talk about the Krama in class. We investigated some of its timeless solutions to everyday needs, as well as exploring some new uses for the 21st century.   The Krama is a bit […]

  • Crystal-tastic!

    Tom and Cath had a go at making copper sulphate crystals – the results are rather splendid.  

  • Iced Custard

    Our first proper home-cooked roast dinner in Phnom Penh was worth waiting for. Cath made jelly to go with the fruit salad, but I fancied some chilled custard on mine… 1 tbsp custard powder 1 tbsp sugar 1 cup milk powder 1 cup water 1 cup ice In saucepan, mix dry ingredients to a paste with 1 […]

  • Ilkley Moorbodia

    Tom, Matt and John headed north of the new school on their bikes to explore ‘the unknown country’ – and found a n open, grassy landscape not dissimilar to lots of places in Yorkshire, albeit flatter, hotter, and with more date palms. Very happy.