Kampot Trip
We have just returned from our 5 day trip to the fresh air and wide open spaces of Kampot. In our home in Phnom Penh the whole family were feeling a bit enclosed due to the relatively narrow streets and over use of concrete so we decided to go for a short holiday to reduce […]
Love the Lord your God
Every September HOPE have FLAG Week. There are no actual flags – it means “Forever Learning About God”. Each morning there’s an extended one hour devotion with a guest speaker, then a quiet time for the students to reflect on what they’ve heard. This year’s key verse is “Love the Lord your God with all […]
Bulldozer in the Back Yard
Today we came home from school to find a bulldozer in our back yard pushing several tonnes of sand around the swamp. Hopefully it will make it a usable space…?
Getting our feet wet
Words cannot express how much the Protheros have helped us ‘land’ in Phnom Penh. Bread & jam, cups of tea, Royal D, all-night fans, Tiger Balm (a pungent mosquito repellent & bite itch reducer) and SWIMMING! We’ve now moved into our own place… but a heavy rainstorm means walking back through floodwater, in a country where […]
Off to Cambodia
We’re off! After months of deliberation, planning, packing, and preparing the house for our lovely new tenants, it’s time to say farewell to Blighty. A short train ride to London then two fairly long flights and we’ll be in Cambodia. It’s actually happening! Train ride to London: At Heathrow Airport